The weather forecast in Australia for the next two weeks
Please choose a state from the map or a city from the list

Australia map
Western Australia Northern Territory South Australia Queensland New South Wales Victoria Tasmania Tasmania

Weather in New South Wales

Weather in Victoria

Weather in Queensland

Weather in Western Australia

Weather in South Australia

Weather in Tasmania

Weather in Northern Territory

About the weather forecast in Australia

We’re your comprehensive source for weather forecast in Australia.

Weather plays a crucial role in our lives. Gone are the days when people were depending on the natural clues like the behaviour of certain plants and animals to predict the forthcoming weather. This is now the era of meteorological studies that deliver more or less an accurate forecast for a certain region.

We, at WeatherinAU, bring you complete weather forecasts of all major cities under 6 states as well as the Northern Territory in a systematic manner. As you can see, the Australian map has been delineated state-wise and clicking on any state will take you straight to the respective forecast page from where you can access how the weather in your desired area will develop in the next few days or weeks.

Alternatively, you can browse through the detailed listing of cities under each state. On our website, you can keep an eye on the weather forecast by 3-hour intervals for the next 7 days or by day for the next 2 weeks. To give you a clear idea, we monitor several parameters such as temperature, temperature felt, weather conditions, chance of precipitation, level of precipitation, relative humidity, wind speed, etc.

So, don’t let the weather to play a spoilsport in your upcoming event. Prepare yourself in advance by finding out how the weather in your city will remain in the following days right here!

States in Australia

Major cities in Australia